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Class of '24: Highlighting the seniors graduating in May of 2024

Class of ’24: Highlighting the seniors graduating in May of 2024

Raj Kumar

Raj Kumar is a senior at THS. She plans on going to a four-year university after high school. “I specifically want to attend VCU, and I’ve actually been accepted,” her career of choice is in dermatology. “I’m majoring in biology so I have more options and I don’t have to be forced into medical school if I don’t think I’m cut out for it. I wasn’t really sure what to do until this August and I’m just going with the flow and whatever feels right for me. She discusses that she wants to stick to biology, but if that doesn’t work out, she will major in something business or finance related.

Kumar says, “I am a little nervous when it comes to sharing a dorm room with someone I don’t know though, I just hope I get someone that isn’t a pain to live with everyday.” Kumar also discusses some of her advice, “Applying for scholarships or colleges is scary. You’ll get through it, just make sure that you ask all of the questions that you need answers to.”

Evan Lewis
Evan Lewis

“After graduating, I plan on attending James Madison University. I’d like to major in either Engineering, Business, Accounting, or Finance; I haven’t decided yet. I chose James Madison University because a lot of my friends go there, and the campus is absolutely beautiful. I’m very excited to see where this next chapter in my life takes me.”

Mary Gammon
Picture taken by Brooke with Captured Portraiture

“After graduating, I plan on attending James Madison University and majoring in education. I really enjoy interacting with younger children. My goal in life is to change kids lives. James Madison Univerisity has a very pretty campus, so living on campus will be great! Although JMU is my dream school, Longwood University also has an amazing educational program. Either way, I’m very excited to see where this next chapter in my life takes me.”

Hallie James Holt

Hallie Holt has always been interested in the University of Tennessee in Knoxville because her sister attends there so she would feel less alone and she is already familiar with the campus. Hallie is also interested in William and Mary because she has wanted to go there since her childhood. Her parents got engaged on the campus of William and Mary. Her final pick is the University of Virginia because it is closer to home. Her career choice will be an English major and pre-law. She has always loved English and she has a lot to choose from and that is very important to her. When it comes to law,” I love Ruth Ginsburg,” Holt said. She enjoys writing documents which has influenced her to go through law school. She will spend three years in college and four years in law school but she also plans on getting her master’s degree. Holt isn’t sure where she sees herself after college but she could see herself in her hometown or New York City.

Emily Davis

Emily Davis is still indecisive but plans on going to JMU or Virginia Tech. She is deciding between both of them because she wants to stay in Virginia. She has decided to pursue a Psychology major, the study of the mind and behavior. “I want to help others with their mental health and let others know they are not alone,” Davis said. Davis will attend college for around four years, but she hopes to get her master’s degree. After her college career she hopes to move out of Danville, Virginia, and to become a mental health counselor. 

Sophie Wilson

Sophie Wilson is a senior at THS who is very excited to graduate. After high school, she wants to attend James Madison University. She plans to major in nursing to become a labor and delivery nurse practitioner. If not nursing, her backup plan is to major in psychology. After college, she wants to move to Charlotte because of the big hospital they have. One hobby she pursued throughout her life, and throughout high school, is dance. Wilson has danced at Meredith Gravely for 12 years. Her experience throughout high school has been very different each year. Because of Covid, her freshman year started off gloomy after being all virtual. “Junior and senior year have been good but bittersweet,” Wilson said. 

Talan Moss

Senior Talan Moss is one of many who is thrilled to graduate from THS to pursue a college career. Moss plans on going to James Madison University, which is located in Harrisonburg, VA. He wants to become an architect and major in architectural design. To plan for college, Moss has been doing the college application process as well as taking AP classes. His backup plan for a major is anything in the computer science field. After college, he plans on moving to Charlotte and getting his architectural license. Moss has played soccer since he was four years old and has also become a manager at Food Lion at the age of 17. Covid hit while Moss was a freshman in high school, which made his high school experience rocky. “[Throughout high school,] there have been many ups and downs,” Moss said. He still made the best of it and is now ready to graduate. 

Carlie Marshall
Senior Carlie Marshall (Brooklyn )

Carlie Marshall, a senior at THS, plans to attend James Madison University after high school. “It is a beautiful campus and they have the major that I want,” Marshall said. Marshall plans to major in Nutrition in hopes of becoming a dietitian. When asked who Marshall’s biggest supporter is, she explains that her mother definitely plays that role. 

Jordan Waller
Jordan Waller

Jordan Waller plans on getting her real estate license in the summer or next fall. She is getting her license by taking classes online. She was unsure about what she wanted to do in the future for a while, but she recently decided that she wants to follow in her grandpa’s footsteps and become a real estate agent. Her goal with her career choice is to make good money while staying in her hometown and doing a job she is passionate about. 

Jasmine Waller

“I plan to go to VCU or Radford to double major in psychology and dance. Either way, after I graduate I plan to move to Richmond and stay there because I have family up there. I also just love Richmond as a city. I want to pursue a career in clinical counseling for mental health and a career as a dance teacher or dance movement therapist. My main goal is to help people better themselves and to have the feeling of knowing I’m helping people. Also, I want to have others have the feeling of being helped and to make sure they know someone is there for them. Even though my main goal is to do both of these things, I would be okay just doing one. My high school experience is not what my eighth grade self would expect, but I wouldn’t change it because I learned a lot of great lessons. If I could go back and give advice to my freshman self I would say be cautious of who you become friends with and do your work in school.”

Hannah Newton
Hannah Newton

Hannah Newton will be attending Danville Community College in the fall. She is attending DCC because it is a cheaper option compared to some of her other college choices like Longwood University. She is planning on majoring in business. For the past two years, she has been attending Vo-Tech for cosmetology and plans to pursue a career in that field in the future. Newton hopes to combine her degree in business and love for cosmetology in the future by opening her own hair salon one day. “I love cosmetology because I love making people feel confident in themselves. I hope to continue to do that in the future,” Newton said.  

Mia Davis
Mia Davis

“I plan on pursuing a college degree at Virginia Tech. I chose Virginia Tech because it’s like a second home to me. I am very familiar with the campus and everyone there is very welcoming and kind. I plan to major in biological sciences on the pre-med track. I am hoping to go into a career in the medical field, either a trauma surgeon or something similar in the emergency room. I am excited yet very nervous to graduate. I will definitely miss all of my friends and teachers I have met along the way.  My biggest supporters are probably Ms. Goard and Mrs. Gunter. Both of them have made such an impact on my life in my 4 years of being in high school. They have both always been there for me and given me the most encouraging and supportive advice. They always are willing to go the extra mile for any and everyone and one day I hope to be like them.”

Hannah Zickafoose
Hannah Zickafoose on the left, Jenna Zickafoose on the right.

Hannah Zickafoose is a senior at THS. She plans on going to college after high school and has two in mind: Ferrum College and Longwood University. “The whole application process for college and scholarships is nerve wracking, but the counselors here have been a big help,” Zickafoose said.

She mentions that she is a little skeptical about getting a roommate, “I’m not a big fan of having to share a room or bathroom with a roommate though.” 

Her career of choice is to become a veterinarian, which is a career she has been set on for a very long time. “Ever since I was little, I have always had a passion and love for being around any and all types of animals. I figured why not pursue something I have always loved, as a future career,” Zickafoose said. Zickafoose is actually attending the small animal care course at VoTech right now. “This class at VoTech allows me to continue my passion and love for animals along with gaining a lot of hands-on experience,” Zickafoose said. She is looking forward to being able to continue her work with animals through her career path.

Brooklyn Morris

Brooklyn Morris is a senior at THS who plans to attend the University of Lynchburg. She hopes to major in biology and pursue a career in physical therapy. Morris would like to graduate from the University of Lynchburg with a doctoral degree. She chose the University of Lynchburg because she likes that the university does not require Morris to transfer, so she will be able to attend the University of Lynchburg all four years of her college education. Morris said that throughout everything her mom has definitely been her biggest supporter.

Melanie Barber

Melanie Barber is a senior here at THS. She is also a student at the Center of Advance Learning and Research. Between AET and THS, Barber works at Angela’s Creative Catering. “Sometimes it can be stressful balancing school and work but time management really helps,” Barber said. She plans on attending Virginia Tech and majoring in accounting/finances to become an accountant. 

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