Singing into districts


Ms. Robertson directing the middle school chorus at districts.

Tunstall’s chorus competed in districts on Friday, March 20. The event took place at Radford University and included all the schools in Pittsylvania County.

Chorus is led by Ms. Robertson and includes middle school and high school students. They practice daily in class for preparation of events like this one.

Freshman Carter Wilson has been singing since fourth grade and joined Tunstall’s chorus in her first year of middle school. She has made a lot of new friends through this program and enjoys getting to perform.

“It’s just what I love to do,” said Wilson.

This is Wilson’s fourth year competing in districts. She was a little nervous at first, but her fears subsided once she got on stage.

“We were ready. We practiced every day in class and it’s not as scary as it seems,” said Wilson.

The songs of the evening included “Going Over Home” and “Charlottown.” They aren’t well-known , so the chorus was excited to introduce something new to the audience.

Although, the group has not found out the results yet, they were proud to represent Tunstall and have the opportunity to show off their talents.