Meyer wins prom dress

Sarah Beth shows off her new dress at Celebration 920 Bridal

Sarah Beth shows off her new dress at Celebration 920 Bridal

On Instagram, #freedressFriday has become a trending contest for users who are attending prom and still looking for that perfect dress.

Created by Celebration 920 Bridal, this Lynchburg-based store gives away a highly valued prom dress to one lucky girl. The only requirement to enter is to repost the account’s picture.

Junior Sarah Beth Meyer decided to enter because she liked the long style of the fuchsia colored dress. She also felt like it was a wonderful opportunity since it was free.

Much to her surprise, she was chosen to be that lucky girl.

“I was shocked when I found out I won because out of all the other girls that tried, I knew I wasn’t going to win it,” said Meyer.

Soon afterwards, she took a trip to Lynchburg to pick up her prize that would normally cost a customer $550.

At first she was hesitant and said, “People don’t just give a nice prom dress away for free, but it ended up being for real.”

Meyer was very pleased with her experience and was welcomed by sweet workers who were eager to help her.

She will get to show off her new dress at her third high school prom on April 18.

“I’m looking forward to dressing up. That’s always been my favorite part, oh, and the dancing.”