Freshman Survival Guide: A Way To Survive The First Year


On behalf of the freshman majority, this is the Freshman Survival Guide; a guide to survive the first year of high school.

Go To Open House

As a freshman, nothing is worse than coming into an environment without knowledge of your surroundings. Going to open house can essentially give you a feeling of what to expect for the next four years. You go to open house to meet your teachers and to know where things are at. Doing this can be helpful, especially when you go with a friend so it won’t be as nerve-racking. “Open house really allows you to know the layout of the school and meet your teachers. Also it helps to meet some of the upper classmen too,” stated freshman Nick Lee.

Find Your Niche

Sticking to what you know is key. Discover what you enjoy doing, and do it. It’s good to explore your options with the selections of electives given. There are so many options of electives such as band, agriculture, drama etc. Also, it helps by making friends and other discovering their interests as well as yours. “Finding your niche is a really good way to stay out of trouble and find the right group of people to be around,” said freshman Kayla James.

Be Prepared

Always have everything you need for your classes. It is important to be prepared, and keep track of your materials. “Make sure you have everything you need, like seriously,” states freshman Savannah Daniel.

Be Optimistic

The absolute worst thing you can do when going into high school is have a bad attitude about it. High school is an opportunity to meet new people and experience a new beginning. “Its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be,” said freshman Haley Ashworth.

Be Yourself

As cliché as it may sound, be true to you. Don’t change in order to fit in with everyone else. People will love you just the way you are. If not, it’s okay, not everyone will like you.

Be Well-Rounded

Coming into high school with your friends from middle school can be comforting. But, going out of your comfort zone is the way to go. Friends will come and go. Don’t expect yourself to have the same friends in May as you will in August of next year.

Don’t Slack Off

Being a freshman in high school can be challenging especially when it comes to classes. High school classes move  more quickly, so if you miss a day, be sure to attend tutoring. Study as much as possible. “Eat, sleep, study, repeat,” stated freshman Cristina Manzanares.

These are the nine fundamental ways to ensure you to have a “fresh” year.