The attitude toward lefties is not right


Junior Chris Davis, a fellow lefty, struggles with the curse of having a smudged hand.

Despite the misleading homonym for the word, the right-handed world we live in is not correct. People, since the beginning of time, have had to adjust to those who are different. As a left-handed bystander with pencil-marked pinkies we say no more to the oppression.

There are many disadvantages that a left-hander in today’s world must face.

As previously mentioned, hand marks are a common obstacle a lefty must face whenever one holds up his hand the remark “Oh my god, what is that?” just pushes, said lefty further in to the misery and the hardship of writing, when this disadvantage is made public.

When taking notes in class as the teacher rapidly talks away, left-handers struggle to keep up. Every time it is necessary to take notes a left-handed person has to strenuously take out their paper out of her binder just to be able to write. Binders are a very unfair and bias material leading most lefties to despise them.

In today’s world it is impossible for one to not use technology. Computers, are possibly a teacher’s best friend as the machine holds grades, contains a clock, and most importantly occupies students. However, for the small uprising percentage of left-handers computers are a struggle by fighting every instinct they have to use their right-hand to operate the machine. They force themselves to give the authority to the limp blob of nothing on the other side of their torso for a single class period just to operate a mouse.

However, left-handers have many advantages that right-handers will never get to experience. Ha!

Only 10% of the whole world is left-handed. 90% of the world is bland. How many of you can say only 10% of the world relates to you? Not very many, you just have to be content with being just like every, boring, one else.

Also, being left-handed means in baseball/softball the player surprises the pitcher and gives them a challenge while batting.

Left-footers also have an advantage when playing soccer. When going to the goal a goalie often expects the player to shoot with their right foot. In defense the said player can surprise the upcoming opponent by playing to their weaker side, stealing with his left foot, or slide tackling with her left foot. Sports hold many advantages to lefties others may not have noticed before. You’re welcome.

We hope all of the right-handed readers will be enlightened by this article. We’ve adjusted to the world when the world should have adjusted to us! Hopefully, the world will come to realize that lefties are people too.