The dirty “F” word


Anna Brooks, Reporter

The issue is with the idea that feminism consists of a cult of women running around burning their bras.

Before you hit the home button on your phone, or exit this screen due to the fear that you will be “converted” – don’t.

I am not a preacher – just an advocate.

Feminism n. the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality.

Translation: Women are not better than men – men are not better than women – nothing less – nothing more.

Men who repel the term “feminist,” I fear that the reason you don’t allow this word to define you is because you believe that only a woman can be a feminist. Granted – feminism is being proud to be a woman; however, it is also being proud to know a woman.

Feminism has taken on this stigma that it did not earn for itself. This stigma consists of the idea that a feminist is a super aggressive woman without an ounce of femininity.

Feminism IS wearing a dress.

The idea is not to be like a man, or to beat a man, the idea is to break through this glass ceiling with out any trace of blood. The glass ceiling is more than a metaphor. By definition, the glass ceiling is the “unseen yet unbreakable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the cooperate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.”

The constant denial of feminism hardly allows women to scratch the glass, much less break it.

Most people are unaware that in the cooperate world a woman is traditionally paid two dollars less than any man in the same position. I do not believe that anyone has yet to create a good enough excuse as to why this takes place in the workforce. If you hear one please let me know.

Feminism is far more simple than this radical modernized version that our society has created. I am completely aware that just because one may not possess the title “feminist,” does not mean that he or she does not support the notion. Feminism is not a hate movement. The intention is for equality, not to drink men’s tears.

Women have been suppressed for centuries and countless suffragettes have fought and fought for women to have more than just the title of “house wife;” and to say that you are an anti-feminist is to laugh in the face of every woman who lied awake at night just hoping to think of an incredible idea that would maybe convince some man that a woman is capable of having a vote.

Perhaps you are indifferent. You neither care here or there, but what is the point in sitting voiceless? If you are going to live, live believing in something and fighting for something – it makes you feel as if you are really breathing.

“‘Feminist,’ more of us should reclaim that word.”

– Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche, author of “We Should All Be Feminist”