The Fault in Our Stars breaks readers’ hearts

The New York Times bestseller, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, is a popular book amongst the teenage girl population. This heartfelt book, known for making people cry, has been made into a movie and will be in theaters on June 6, 2014. Hopefully, the movie will do the book justice by including what the book is most famous for: romance, teenage angst, and tragedy.

Like most of John Green’s novels, The Fault in Our Stars is about the struggles that two teenagers face concerning love. However, in this particular novel, the two main characters have both been diagnosed with cancer. The story is narrated by 16 year old Hazel Grace Lancaster, who has been diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer. After being forced to attend a cancer support group, Hazel meets and falls in love with a 17 year old, amputee Augustus Waters who lost his leg due to osteosarcoma, but is in remission.

Hazel Grace has to carry around an oxygen tank due to the metastasis forming in her lungs. She has accepted that one day she will die and there is nothing anyone can do about it. So when she meets and starts to fall in love with Augustus, she want to distance herself because she knows that they will be seperated by her death. Throughout the novel, Augustus tries to convince Hazel that he loves her and wants to give her the feeling of being alive. Unfortunetly, when Hazel accepts Augustus and believes they will be together forever, Augustus has a relapse and the cancer had already spread to multiple parts of his body.

This tragic story is a must read, but readers should be prepared for an emotional ending. John Green knows how to make his readers emotionally attached to the characters and this book is a prime example. This story of two cancer patients will break readers’ hearts, but is a story worth reading.