Sean’s Pen

Seans Pen

Here are a few things that get on my nerves…

I hate it when people pronounce certain words wrong. Mainly, I hate it when people say: ‘Suduko’. It’s called Sudoku and it is six letters long. Is it called Tic-Tac-Too? Is it Yahztee? Just because it sounds better doesn’t mean it’s right. Someone actually said that it sounds more American if it’s said as Suduko. What does that even mean?

I hate all of the hype for overrated television shows. What is so great about “Honey Bo0-Boo”? All her family does is eat and say things that sound like they need to be put into Google Translator. Every person in that show needs subtitles for the audience to even understand them. God forbid anyone gets into an argument because then the producers would need to color-code their subtitles.

I hate it when people treat Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as the same movie. The two of them are completely different things. I have heard it a million times. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory came out in 1971. Charlie and the Chocoalte Factory came out 34 years later. People still get confused between the two.