Selena’s journey to becoming a farrier

India Martin

More stories from India Martin


Selena Bledsoe has always had a deep love for horses, so it’s no surprise that she’s decided to pursue a career as a farrier. What is a farrier, you might ask? Farriers are skilled professionals who specialize in hoof care for horses, including trimming, shoeing, and other related tasks.

“I’ve always loved horses, and I knew I wanted to work with them in some way,”Selena said. “When I met the man who takes care of my horses, I was fascinated by the work he did. I realized that this was the career path I wanted to pursue.”

Selena will be attending the East Coast Horseshoeing School in Virginia, where she will learn all the skills she needs to become a successful farrier. 

“I’m excited to start my training at the East Coast Horseshoeing School,” says Selena. “I’m passionate about working with horses and providing them with the best possible care.”

Becoming a farrier is no easy task. Students at the East Coast Horseshoeing School spend months learning about horse anatomy, trimming techniques, shoeing methods, and more. They also have to complete a certain number of supervised shoeing jobs before they can graduate.

“It’s a lot of work, but it’s also really rewarding,” Selena said. “I love learning about horse anatomy and how to care for their hooves. It’s amazing to see the difference you can make in a horse’s life by providing good hoof care.”

Despite the challenges, Selena is confident that becoming a farrier is the right choice for her. She’s excited to start her training at the East Coast Horseshoeing School and can’t wait to see where this career path takes her.