Pokémon “No”

Katie Scarce, Reporter

When you are outside you may see people running around like maniacs looking at their phones, but don’t be alarmed! They are just playing the hottest game out on the app store, Pokémon Go. This app has caused people to go absolutely crazy and caused our generation and the previous generations to stay glued to their cell phones.

The only reason I got the app was to see what the big deal was. Once I started playing, I automatically hated it. It was so confusing to me and it was difficult to even catch a Pokémon. I didn’t know I actually had to go places just to catch a Pokémon. I figured there would be plenty around my house so I wouldn’t have to go out, but I was wrong. I don’t have the time or energy to get up and go out just to catch a Pokémon.

I’m not lazy, however, I have more important things to do than that.

I also couldn’t find any Pokémon that were worth anything like the rare and uncommon ones. All I ever found were the most common ones including Pidgey, Rattatas, and Weddle. Those got old pretty fast.

I officially decided I hated Pokémon Go when, one day, the app told me there was a Pikachu nearby, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I guess that makes me a sore loser, but either way, I still hate Pokémon Go.

Aside from the fact that it gets people out of the house, Pokémon Go has proved to be a dangerous activity. People have gotten hit by cars, fallen off cliffs, and gone into dangerous areas just to catch a Pokémon. Dangerous predators have started staking out around Poke Stops, waiting to abduct “Pokémoners”.

Pokémon Go has even had to make a public service announcement, seen when opening the app, saying “do not Pokémon and drive,” “do not go into dangerous areas while playing Pokémon Go,” and “always be aware of your surroundings.” My question is, why would anyone want to play a game that has to warn the people playing the dangers of it?

Pokémon Go is a waste of time. People would rather go catch Pokémon than get a job, spend time with loved ones, and actually have a social life outside of the game. People have somehow centered their lives around Pokémon Go. No one should be focused only on going out to catch a Pokémon, instead, they should focus on actually doing an activity that will benefit them in the future.

Put down the phone, delete the app, or just stop playing and I bet you will see it was a waste of time devoting your life to a silly game. Go and hangout with friends without catching a Pokémon. You’ll see just how much you’ve missed all because you were too focused on catching that Pikachu.