Students making bank

Students working after school


Junior Edwin Diaz working at Target

There are many ways students at Tunstall spend their time after school. Some play a sport and practice while others get caught up in school work while some build the confidence to work an after school job, even with the course load they have. These students that have the ability and opportunity to work take advantage of it and do good for themselves. There are a number of students that work, but here are some of the students that put in work after school.

Edwin Diaz is a junior at Tunstall and works at Target in Danville. He has been working there for about three months. You can most likely see him working Fridays after school, eight hours on Saturday and Sunday, and sometimes one day in the week; he works a total of about 24-30 hours a week. With this being his first job, he chose to work there because of the pay. Diaz packages orders and unloads the trucks when they arrive at the store. 

He plans to work throughout high school and stop working when he goes to college. “My favorite part is how welcoming my co-workers are,” Diaz said. His job is always hiring, and he would recommend his job to others only if they are willing to put work into what they do.

Caleb McCormick is a senior at Tunstall who has been working at Shoe Carnival in Danville for about seven months. He works approximately 15-20 hours after school and during the weekends. McCormick stocks shelves, runs the cash register, and fixes orders. He plans to work at Shoe Carnival until he moves on to college. “I started [working] in order to save some money for my future,” McCormick said. Although his job is not currently hiring, he enjoys the environment and would gladly recommend it to others.

Katie Tuck is a senior at Tunstall. She works at Red Crab in Danville. She has worked there for about seven months. Even with her difficult basketball and softball practice schedule, she has the opportunity to work 25-30 hours a week because she does co-op. She applied to work here due to how good the pay was. Tuck enjoys and loves what she does, however, she hopes to work somewhere else where she can keep hosting. 

The last two students work together at Sonic in Danville: juniors Ashley Villa Villalobos and Caleb Pearson. Ashley has been working there for about three months while Caleb has been working there for six months. This is both of their second jobs where they work around 20 hours a week. Villalobos is contemplating whether she would like to keep working there or somewhere else. Pearson hopes to continue working at Sonic for the duration of his junior and senior years. Their favorite part of working there are the people: co-workers and customers

These students don’t even scratch the surface of the students at Tunstall who work. Many work after school and some also play a sport alongside it. Students have an opportunity to work during high school by being a part of co-op. Co-op allows students at Tunstall to go to school for three classes and leave school early in order to go to work. Students who wish to participate in co-op must be enrolled in marketing classes.