Freaking out for Comic-con


For all you comic-book freaks out there, Mt.Hermon’s Library has something special for you. It’s their 3rd annual comic-con or should we say library-con?

Now the real question is what is comic-con? “A comic-con is a comic convention where nerds can get together and the reason we have these events are because they are so much fun and they supply a wide variety of entertainment for people.” says Rachel Timm, Youth Services Coordinator. “We think we will get a very positive reaction from this and it’s a family-friendly environment.”

“Well, we are going to be giving away comic books and having a costume contest.” says Timm. The Diamond comics program gives away free comic books to promote them. Timm anticipates good results from the costume contest because “people who like comics like to dress up in costumes.” The costume that will show up the most I think will be probably Batman or something of the Batman Universe,” Timm said.

This event will be held on May 1 and 2 and no it is not a coincidence that Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in theaters on the same day. In the future they hope to have a bigger and better comic-con and hopefully a bigger building for the library, too. “It’s in the works.” says Timm.

So if you’ve never been to comic-con, a costume contest, or a library filled with SWAG, then come to Mt. Hermon Library. Where as Timm says “there something for everyone.”